Do's and Don't's by Sweetnida

Insanely Effort Gully without Selecting My way' 
Believing in None. 
Retailing in Negativeness' 
Holding On smile' without Seeing any Positive Aspect.
Why it has to be Inspirational'
Why It has to be Love Reason behind 
Why I can't get to Fulfil My Desires via Hatred 
The More you want that much you Loose 
Choose your way of Doing because
It doesn't matters... 
You gonna do your Don't's 

Don't Forget to Share!

About Me (Nida)

~As I am finding Myself and writing in search of.... A year of freedom from a cage and now I m free for my whole life My name is Sweet Nida and I m writing My Experience, my Experiments, my Love, My Pain, my Sadness and I will write as my life is moving........!!!